Sports and Exercise Science Research Centre (Sports@TAR)

Center Leader

Asst. Prof. Dr Chan Kai Quin

Sports and Exercise Science Research Centre (Sports@TAR)

Research Group Members

AP Kok Lian Yee, AP Dr Ler Hui Yin, AP Dr Kee Kang Mea, Asst. Prof. Dr Angelina Tan, Mr Ling Sen Kian, Ms Juliana Johan John, Ms Cynthia Anne Cornelius, Mr.Tiew Kee Aun, Ms Puah Hoay Way

This list is non-exhaustive, FOAS and TARUC researchers are welcome to join the Sports@TARC should their area of interest align to the Centre’s objectives, vision and rationale.

Location: FOAS Sport Science Labs - S2, C106i, C105g


The Sports and Exercise Science Research Centre (Sports@TAR) is a dedicated centre that focuses on conducting Sports and Exercise related research activities, provides scientific instrumentation services and consultancy to other education or research institutions as well as for the industry and conducts training and workshops. It also serves as an incubator to explore new ideas and research, and to nurture new researchers, with the following aims:


This centre strives to combine, structure and integrate the elements of sport and exercise science into its activities and services to enhance the well-being of the general public, children and athletes. Through the activities and services rendered, research activities will be undertaken on a coordinated, interdisciplinary and specialized basis, to publish research results.

To provide the services to the sports organizations, communities and industries, hence enhancing the collaboration between the University and the external institutions and further strengthening the expertise building within the existing faculty members.

Rationale and Research Plan

a) Research and Development - to explore funding opportunities and to seek for potential research and development opportunities from the industrial and external organizations.

b) Collaboration - to strengthen collaboration in multi-disciplinary projects in terms of leveraging on the team’s expertise and facility availability.

c) Consultancy/Services – to provide services on physical fitness testing and training using the existing facilities in the laboratories for external clients from the educational institutions, sports associations and industry.

d) Training and Knowledge Exchange - to provide the platform for conferences, seminars, road shows, and presentations for upskilling and reskilling to resilience in the dynamic environment.